Download DashBoard
openGear® and DashBoard combine to give you unparalleled, flexible control over openGear® products. All openGear® solutions can be controlled using DashBoard without the need to upload custom GUIs or install proprietary software.
- Remote control and monitoring
- OS independent: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
- Automatic discovery of frames and devices
- Practical real-time control
- Alarm reporting
- Multiple frames on a single control network
- Multiple DashBoard applications on a single control network
- TCP / IP based communication
- In-field upgradeability of devices
- No need to upload custom GUIs
Add-ons & Manual
DashBoard Help Pack (Windows – 178.8 Mb)
Unicode Font Pack (Windows – 15.6 Mb)
DashBoard Help Pack (MacOS / Linux – 178.7 Mb)
Unicode Font Pack (MacOS / Linux – 15.5 Mb)
DashBoard User Guide (.pdf)
DashBoard Role-Based Access Control Guide (.pdf)
ogScript Reference Guide (.pdf)
Release Notes (.pdf)